Son Tours
The Son Tours Difference

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Duluth , Georgia

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About Son Tours
Founded in 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia, Son Tours is a student travel agency that has been providing high-quality, full-service school tours for over 20 years. Since then, it has been our passion to organize domestic and international school trips customized to fit a variety of curricula. Our experienced and licensed educational travel operators know that the key to a successful school trip is a balance of accommodation of educational needs and the utilization of only highly experienced tour guides. Our goal is to create experiences that educate students while keeping both our clients and their students happy, and our efforts don’t stop with our tours.
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Person in Charge

John Nelson


(800) 416-8212


(800) 416-8212




Son Tours, Inc. P.O. Box 1839, Duluth, GA 30096

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